22 Jun 2022

Europe’s bioeconomy delivers … Let’s give it a boost

Brussels, 20 June 2022 – Cefic Sector Group, BioChem Europe, representing biomass-derived chemicals producers of Europe, welcomes the European Commission’s new report “EU Bioeconomy Progress Report” which underlines the impressive traction gained in bioeconomy across EU Member States but believes that yet more should be done to unlock the full potential of the bioeconomy in Europe.
For the bioeconomy to really blossom in Europe, a few drags need to be lifted; our EU industry needs competitive access to biomass, we need a proper accounting of the carbon benefits of bio-based products and measures to develop market opportunities” says Ylwa Alwarsdotter, chair of BioChem Europe.
The report, which takes stock of progress made since the 2018 Bioeconomy Strategy and Action Plan, shows the very intertwined connections between the bioeconomy and most of the European Green Deal objectives. It stresses that a thriving bioeconomy depends on a sustainable use of land and a responsible consumption of biological resources.
The European producers of biomass-derived chemicals intend to actively participate to optimising the pivotal contribution of the bioeconomy to Europe’s sustainable growth and competitiveness.