01 Jun 2023

Biobased chemistry: a mainstream industry

Brussels, June 2023 - BioChem Europe will be present at the 7th Plant-based Summit that will be held in Lille from 13 to 15 June 2023. Over two days of plenary and thematic sessions, the Summit will highlight the contribution of plant-based chemistry to a sustainable net-zero emission economy in Europe. The uptake of the bioeconomy in various sectors, such as home care, paints and coatings, nutrition, packaging, textile, cosmetics, care and beauty will be showcased. Crucial topic around chain-of-custody, enabling policy conditions, ecodesign, claims and labels, will also be discussed with relevant and expert speakers.
On 13 June, Benjamin Nummert from BASF will exchange with other panellists on the tools to measure sustainability and substantiate green claims.
Later on the same day, Frédéric Van Gansberghe, CEO of Futerro, will be part of a session devoted to sustainable packaging. An occasion to show progress made, but also call for enabling policy conditions.
On 14 June, the opening plenary session on the theme "Bioeconomy: are European policies still up to the global challenges?" will be moderated by the Manager of BioChem EuropeBernard de Galembert. It will allow for exchanging on the global competitiveness of Europe's bioeconomy and biomass-derived chemistry and the needed policy conditions to boost it.
In the afternoon of 14 June, Dominik Müller, from UPM, will contribute to the closing of the Summit conferences in a plenary dedicated to the expectations of brand owners, consumers and society.
Registration is open here.
More information about the Summit programme here.