by mcwebmaster | Jun 1, 2023
Brussels, June 2023 – BioChem Europe will be present at the 7th Plant-based Summit that will be held in Lille from 13 to 15 June 2023. Over two days of plenary and thematic sessions, the Summit will highlight the contribution of plant-based chemistry to a...
by mcwebmaster | May 29, 2023
Brussels, May 2023 – BioChem Europe, EFCG (European Fine Chemicals Group), EFG (European Fermentation group) and SICOS (Chimie fine & biotech) will jointly hold their first in-person Industrial Biotechnology Day. This conference will take place in Brussels...
by mcwebmaster | May 10, 2023
Brussels, May 2023 – On 10 May, the Directorate General for Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs (DG GROW) held a workshop on the theme “Biobased Industries and Biomaterials – Opportunities for Acceleration”. As the first of an announced...